資料擷取與控制PAC控制器與擴充模組PAC控制器擴充模組-ADAM擴充模組-AMAX擴充模組-APAX信號調節器機械視覺擴充介面卡(POE/USB3.0)物聯網閘道器LPWAN閘道器智能I/O閘道器精簡型閘道器遠端節點閘道器視訊擷取卡資料擷取卡與模組EtherCAT數據採集模組PCIE數據採集卡PCI數據採集卡USB數據採集模組電纜與接線板模組化資料擷取系統運動控制卡EtherCAT運動控制模組分散式運控控制卡集中式運動控制卡電纜與接線板遠端資料擷取模組LPWAN無線I/O模組MESH無線I/O模組與閘道器RS-485 I/O模組Wi-Fi無線I/O模組乙太網路I/O模組邊緣AI運算模組運算平台運算模組
規格篩選 Status In Stock Sort By The Newest Price: high–low Price: low–high A to Z Z to A Pulse Type Motion ControlMax. Output Speed1 Mbps4 Mbps5 MbpsInterpolation2 to 4-axis linear, 2-axis circular, X-Y plane with Z thread helical interpolation2 to 8-axis linear, 2-axis circular, X-Y plane with Z thread helical interpolation2/3-axis linear, 2/3-axis circular2-axis linear interpolation2-axis linear, 2-axis circular2-axis linear, 3-axis linear, 2-axis circularEncoder Type and InterfaceMax. Input Frequency10 MHz under x4 A/B phase mode4 MHz under x4 A/B phase mode
Pulse Type Motion ControlMax. Output Speed1 Mbps4 Mbps5 MbpsInterpolation2 to 4-axis linear, 2-axis circular, X-Y plane with Z thread helical interpolation2 to 8-axis linear, 2-axis circular, X-Y plane with Z thread helical interpolation2/3-axis linear, 2/3-axis circular2-axis linear interpolation2-axis linear, 2-axis circular2-axis linear, 3-axis linear, 2-axis circular
Encoder Type and InterfaceMax. Input Frequency10 MHz under x4 A/B phase mode4 MHz under x4 A/B phase mode